How effective are cognitive-behavioral therapies (#CBT) in video game use disorder? Categories FAQ Screen addiction Therapy
What are the risks of too much screen time for my child? Categories FAQ Screen addiction Consequences Therapy Children/teenagers Children
Are screens responsible for sleep disorders in children and teenagers? Categories FAQ Screen addiction Consequences Therapy Sleep Tips for falling asleep Children/teenagers Sleep disorders stress and sleep
Are children exposed to screens at an early age more likely to develop attention disorders? Categories FAQ Screen addiction Consequences Therapy Children/teenagers Sleep disorders
What impact do social networks have on teenagers' self-esteem? Categories FAQ Screen addiction Consequences Therapy Children/teenagers
What is binge watching? What are the consequences? Categories FAQ Screen addiction Consequences Therapy Sleep Children/teenagers
I spend a lot of time on my phone: what tips can I use to limit my use? Categories FAQ Screen addiction Consequences Therapy Work Tips for falling asleep Stress