Prevent2 Care Tour
Prevent2Care Tour rewards innovative preventive healthcare associations at the heart of local communities
Alongside Prevent2Care, the Ramsay Santé corporate foundation is turning its attention to associations, with INCO and the Pfizer Innovation France endowment fund. Since its inception in 2019, the Prevent2Care Tour has aimed to highlight and reward associations proposing innovative projects serving preventive healthcare in local areas.

The aim of the Prevent2care Tour?
Identify and reward associations in France's major metropolises that stand out for their ability to invent innovative preventive healthcare schemes and programs, and for the partnerships they forge to carry out their missions.
Find out more about the Prevent2care Tour
A look back at the 5 winning associations in 2024-25
After receiving more than 90 applications and meeting with 30 associations across 5 French regions, the members of the regional jury for the 5th Prevention and Health Tour selected 5 associations as winners.
- Association Corps en Révolte awarded for its commitment to the prevention of eating disorders. The association specializes in the prevention and understanding of E.B.D. (Eating Disorders) among the general public and professionals. It offers free activities accessible to all for people suffering from E.B.D., including "Dé-Pause Paroles" peer exchange groups, convivial and creative activities to boost self-esteem and reconnect with pleasure, and therapeutic workshops such as writing and psychomotricity.
- The Solidarité Réhabilitation association helps people suffering from mental disorders, as well as their families and loved ones, through a range of social, health and leisure activities. The association has developed the "PROFAMILLE" program, aimed at relatives of people affected by schizophrenia. This training program enables relatives to understand the symptoms of this little-known illness and to manage their relationship with the sufferer effectively.
- The COLLECTIF ØPERA association is developing Epilepsía Waves, a research project designed to experiment with the creation of a musical repertoire as a complementary treatment for epilepsy patients. This innovative approach could ultimately help prevent seizures and facilitate access to home care, without side effects. The Epilepsía Waves project is led by Professor and researcher Fabrice Bartolomei of the AP-HM, the patient and caregiver association Epilepsie-France, Health Innovation expert Aude Nyadanu, and musicologist and Mozart specialist Pierre-Henri Dutron. The COLLECTIF ØPERA association brings together young artists of national and international renown, from a variety of backgrounds (business, research, teaching, industry...) to promote artistic creation in the service of transdisciplinary projects in areas of common well-being, such as housing and health.
- The Drepaland association s mission is to democratize access to medical knowledge about rare and chronic diseases, so that patients can play a key role in their own care. The association creates a range of original content, podcasts, short films, reports, articles and workshops, with the aim of providing a better understanding of the disease environment. Through these tools, it is currently dedicated to raising awareness of sickle cell disease, the leading genetic disease in France and worldwide. Drepaland is developing its "La Crise" project, aimed primarily at healthcare professionals but also targeting sickle cell patients and their families. The project is designed to highlight best practice in the management of vaso-occlusive crises, thereby promoting better understanding and management of sickle cell disease. It includes the creation of resources such as the production of podcast episodes and downloadable infographics that will enable healthcare professionals to enhance their knowledge and skills to better manage affected patients, wherever they may be.
- The DEBORA association is dedicated to preventing and raising awareness of infective endocarditis, a serious infection of the heart's inner lining, notably through therapeutic patient education and family support. It organizes events and prevention campaigns, and works with healthcare professionals and other associations to promote heart health. It is now looking to step up its actions with special days such as the "Bien prendre soin de son cœur" day, which features practical workshops, information sessions, educational games, free screening consultations, as well as conferences and round-table discussions involving professionals and patients.