Fondation Santé des Etudiants de France
Develop a program to combat excessive alcohol consumption among young people.
The PEER CARE program provides training in the early detection of alcohol consumption, and is based on a "peer-to-peer" approach within student communities, to help spread prevention messages.
La Ramsay Sante Foundation , which has been involved in health prevention among students for several years, is supporting the FSEF in the development and evaluation of the PEER CARE program.

The PEER CARE program
Its aim is to transfer skills to a group of students on university and Grande Ecole campuses, so that they can help other students to deal with excessive drinking themselves, in a logic of knowledge appropriation and empowerment. By deploying awareness-raising actions within their wider community, students take on a genuine relay role.
Indeed, young people are more receptive to prevention messages against the risks of alcohol if they are presented by other young people.

The Fondation Santé des Étudiants de France (FSEF), a pioneer in "care-study" and recognized as a public utility, cares for more than 13,000 adolescents and young adults suffering from physical illness, psychiatric disorders or disabilities in its 26 health and medical-social facilities.
Thanks to a long-standing partnership with the French Ministries of Education, Youth and Higher Education, it offers comprehensive, cross-disciplinary care, integrating their schooling or training plans.
An expert in the health of adolescents and young adults, the FSEF also runs prevention programs for schoolchildren and students, and invests in clinical research into therapeutics.