Acting for Women's Health
Agir pour la Santé des Femmes (ADSF) defends the values of solidarity and reminds us that the right to health is an inalienable right.
The Ramsay Sante Foundation website works alongside the association to provide unconditional care for the most isolated and vulnerable women, who are far removed from the healthcare system. The aim is to support the most vulnerable women in their efforts to learn about health, and restore their desire to take care of their overall health.

An innovative and specific system
by reaching out to them in the "Frottis truck", a safe place where the mobile team (made up of employees, women's rep and volunteers) initially welcomes them in their living quarters.
The team collects statistical data on a declarative, anonymous and secure basis, using the dedicated Mano software. This digital tool is specifically designed for field teams working with vulnerable populations. The information gathered in this way helps to capitalize on data concerning the target audience: the state of health of women in precarious situations.
They are then invited to visit the Repaires Santé for multi-disciplinary care (midwives, psychologist and health/social mediator) and referral to partner healthcare structures. In the Repaires Santé, they have access to sanitary facilities (showers and toilets) and a rest room.
Every month, a Hygiene and Health Reception (AHS) takes place, a special health and hygiene reception for women under the team's day-to-day care. It offers a place to rest, a snack (coffee, tea, snacks) and access to sanitary facilities. Hygiene kits are distributed during the "Accueil hygiène santé" days. It's also an opportunity to meet the team's professionals and be taken in for care coordination. Care coordination consists of medical-psychological-social support that first gives women access to an assessment of their overall health needs by professionals, followed by support towards care and health, and towards screening (cervical smear, STI sampling, Rapid Diagnostic Orientation Test for HIV and HCV).
Throughout the year, ADSF organizes a range of prevention, awareness-raising and health-promotion initiatives for its beneficiaries. Discussion groups are set up on the right to health, sexual health (prevention of STIs, cancers, contraception, maternity, pregnancy, excision), general health, the mother-child bond, "living on the streets", isolation, nutrition and oral hygiene. Screening days are also regularly organized (cancer, dental, vision, etc.).

Founded in 2001, the ADSF association (under the French law of 1901) aims to improve the support and overall health of women in very precarious situations, by organizing actions to promote access to care adapted to their gender and life situation.
ADSF links the unconditional nature of the help it provides with a point of vigilance emphasized by the World Health Organization: "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity". In this sense, ADSF's actions are positioned where few other healthcare players are: reaching out to women in very precarious circumstances, who are often invisible and unaware of the care options available to them.
ADSF offers a health mediation service, which is fundamental to helping women escape from invisibility and exclusion, with a partnership approach that creates a network to meet a wide range of needs.
ADSF's approach to health care for the most disadvantaged makes it a humanitarian association that advocates care and access to health care for women who are far removed from all mainstream health care systems.
Knowing Acting for Women's Health