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Health prevention meetings


8th Health Prevention Meetings
Young people and stress: a generation under pressure?

Tuesday, April 1, 2025 10:00-11:30 a.m.

Hosted by editorialist Christophe Barbier



Student burnout, uncertain future prospects, eco-anxiety, worrying political and economic news... Young people today face multiple sources of stress, with significant impacts on their mental and physical health

In April, the Ramsay Sante Foundation is devoting its 8th Health Prevention Meetings to this topic, to find out more. 

This program will publish the results of a ground-breaking survey on stress levels among young people, to shed light on the challenges they face. 

Experts, health professionals and practitioners will be on hand to help you better understand the mechanisms of stress, take effective action and prevent its consequences. 

An appointment not to be missed... without stress!

They have confirmed their presence


Guirchaume Abitbol


Guirchaume Abitbol

Co-founder and Chairman of the Lyynk Foundation

Nadia Auzanneau


Nadia Auzanneau

Associate General Manager, Health Division, Opinion Way 

Karine Chevreul


Prof. Karine Chevreul

Professor of Public Health, Co-Director of ECEVE-Inserm, Member of the Haute Autorité de Santé College

Jean-Luc Duchet


Dr Jean-Luc Ducher

Psychiatrist, researcher, author



Lucas Fugeard


Lucas Fugeard

President, Nightline association

Angèle Malatre-Lansac


Angèle Malâtre-Lansac

General Delegate, Alliance pour la santé mentale association



Free webinar on registration, open to professionals and the general public