Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris
Encouraging physical activity among students and improving their mental health
The Ramsay Santé corporate foundation and the Cité internationale Universitaire de Paris have signed a partnership in 2021 to support or initiate preventive health projects.
Immediately after the first confinement, the financial difficulties and psychological distress of a number of students were alarming in their unprecedented scale. When the Cité internationale approached Ramsay Sante Foundation with a proposal to help its students, the Foundation committed to a three-year partnership.
Sport to combat youth isolation
Promoting physical activity appeared to be an effective first step in many respects: to combat a sedentary lifestyle, exacerbated by long periods of confinement, and to encourage sociability and combat the isolation and depression it can engender. This support took the form of the installation of a crossfit platform, accessible to all, in the Cité internationale park, inaugurated on October 6, 2022.
Creation of a full-time position of Prevention and Psychological Guidance Psychologist
Thanks to the support of Ramsay Sante Foundation, a full-time position of Prevention and Psychological Guidance Psychologist has been created.
- Thanks to the creation of this post, the year 2023 was enlivened by events, work sessions and meetings in which the department team took part or which it initiated.
- In June 2023, a Webinar was organized on the theme of "Better understanding and managing stress and anxiety", with Doctor Magali Briane, psychiatrist, addictologist, member of the scientific college of the Ramsay Health Foundation, Vice-President of the SPS association (Care for health professionals).
A podcast series focusing on health prevention
Specially designed for students at the Cité internationale universitaire de Paris and financed by Ramsay Sante Foundation,"Et si on en parlait autour de une tasse de thé?" tackles a health issue in the form of a discussion between Samantha d'Aboville, psychologist at the Relais social de la Cité internationale, and a medical specialist, member of our Foundation's scientific advisory board or Ramsay Santé.
Three episodes were created and put online on all platforms in 2024 on addictions, sexual health and nutrition.

A cross-fit platform to promote social interaction between students
Located in the Cité Internationale park, the platform is accessible to all free of charge. It allows students to exercise outdoors, whenever they want, to adapt to the multiple and variable time constraints of students and researchers.
In fact, it helps to combat the sedentary lifestyle of students, which is exacerbated by long hours of classes and revision. Several infrastructure training sessions are offered to residents during the academic year, with the support of Cité internationale's sports department.
Sports season tickets for residents in difficult circumstances
This partnership has enabled 200 residents in difficult situations (stress, overweight, psychological difficulties...) to take up sporting activities, thanks to half-yearly sports subscriptions for activities supervised and offered by the Cité internationale sports department. The work of the Relais Social International social workers helped to identify the students who would benefit.
This initiative enables residents to break their isolation, as they are unable to access sport for financial reasons.

The first 3 episodes of the podcast series "Et si on en parlait? Over a cup of tea?"
Available on all listening platforms
Les addictions, an interview with Dr Philippe de Azevedo, addictologist at the Clinique des Platanes, Ramsay Santé, to understand addictions and their dangers, whether related to substances or behaviors.
Sexual health, an interview with Dr Pierre André Becherel, dermatologist at HP Antony and member of the Foundation's Foundation's scientific advisory board .
- Nutrition, an interview with Dr Pamela Nesslany, nutritionist at the Arras Les Bonnettes private hospital, Ramsay Santé, and member of the Foundation's scientific board. Available on all platforms from June 28.
About the Cité internationale universitaire de Paris
The Cité internationale universitaire de Paris is a private foundation recognized as a public utility, created in 1925 by visionary philanthropists in the pacifist movement between the wars. The Cité internationale's aim was to help build a world of peace by creating a place where young people from all over the world could learn to live together. Although a century old, this project is still very much relevant today.
Today, it welcomes 12,000 students, researchers and artists from 150 different countries every year. It offers them a totally cosmopolitan setting that fosters exchanges and creates links.
Find out more about Cité internationale