Young people and sexual health: what's the solution?
Faced with a surge in sexually transmitted infections and diseases, unprotected sex, the emergence of questions of consent and gender, and very young people's access to porn on social networks, young people's sexual health has become A topic.
La Ramsay Sante Foundation, committed to health prevention for young people, wanted to understand how they find out about their sexual health.
What are their main information channels? What role do education, peers, parents and the Internet play in their information process? How do social networks induce new sexual behaviors?
The results of a survey conducted with the media Jam by June in January 2023 (involving 1,000 young people) were unveiled at the event. It provides a better understanding of the type of information they seek, and the media they prefer to use to build their sexual education.
Webinar hosted by editorial writer Christophe Barbier

Part 1 - Current situation
The first round table is an opportunity to recall what sexual health is, to review the 2021/2024 roadmap, to provide data on young people's behaviors, the role of schools, that of peers and experience sharing, and of course the impact of social networks.
The speakers

Sexual health researcher, Prevention and Health Promotion Department, Santé publique France

UNESCO Chair in Sexual Health and Human Rights, public health physician, sexologist
Part 2 - Remarkable actions
The second round table highlights a number of remarkable prevention initiatives, tools and programs developed at local or national level.
The speakers

Sexual health researcher, Prevention and Health Promotion Department, Santé publique France

Click here to download the survey
Survey carried out by Jam by June in January 2023 among 1,000 young people aged 15 to 25, for the Ramsay Sante Foundation