Acting locally
Ramsay Sante corporate Foundation takes action in local areas by supporting or co-creating local projects with partner associations. The aim is to raise awareness, provide training and introduce best practices in preventive health care, with a particular focus on those who are most remote from the subject.

The essential role of associations
While national preventive health campaigns are essential, they are not sufficient to effectively reach all populations in all regions, nor are they effective in bringing about behavioral change.
Because associations play a key role in the advent of a more preventive healthcare model, Ramsay Sante corporate Foundation, in perfect complementarity with public health campaigns, has decided to take action in the territories by supporting or co-creating programs with partner associations.
Whether we're talking about programs on nutrition, risk behaviors, promoting healthy lifestyles, early detection to avoid relapses, better patient follow-up... the aim of our partnerships in the field is to inform and initiate people to good practices, with priority given to those most remote from the subject (students, young people in neighborhoods, people in economic difficulty...) to encourage them to take action.