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Answers to your questions health prevention Sleep

Contents validated by the physicians of the Scientific College of the Ramsay Health Foundation

How can you get the restful sleep you need to get through the day and limit stress?

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Tips for falling asleep
Sleep disorders
stress and sleep

We've all experienced it: you get more out of your day after a good night's sleep. To help you get the best possible sleep, here are a few recommendations. Going to bed and getting up at regular times makes sleep easier. Physical activity enhances sleep quality, but should not be done too close to bedtime. Listening for the first signs of fatigue (yawning, heavy eyelids...) helps you fall asleep, as does establishing a bedtime ritual (herbal tea, reading, relaxation...). Caffeinated drinks should be avoided after 4 p.m., and light dinners are preferable.


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For more information, we recommend you visit the Institut national du Sommeil et de la Vigilance website or the Santé Publique France website and its documents on sleep.

restorative sleep against stress

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