What kind of ecological lifestyle can we adopt to improve our health and that of the planet?
Our lifestyles and decisions as consumers can have a major impact on the planet, but also on our health. However, solutions do exist, and we'll tell you all about them below!
One of the most effective ways of reducing our environmental impact while preserving our health is to change our diet. Many scientists and public health authorities1 recommend rebalancing our intake of animal products, in favor of more plant-based products, as livestock farming has a major impact on the planet (19% of greenhouse gas emissions in France 2). We also recommend giving preference to seasonal and/or organic fruit and vegetables, thus limiting the use of pesticides, which are harmful to the environment, and require less energy for production.
At the same time, we can limit our exposure to chemicals by opting for household cleaning methods that are more respectful of the environment and our health, replacing them with natural alternatives such as white vinegar, black soap and baking soda. It's also important to air your home for at least 10 minutes every day, and to repeat the operation during and after certain activities, such as showering, cooking, cleaning or DIY.
As for our modes of transport, it's best to give as much preference as possible to cycling or walking. As well as having a reduced impact on the environment, these modes of transport improve our health by encouraging physical activity.3
Protecting the natural environment benefits the physical and mental health of human societies, and reduces exposure to pollution.
To see the infographic in more detail, click here.
For further information, we recommend that you consult :
1- ANSES, Santé Publique France
2- According to the French Sustainable Development Commission (Commissariat général au développement durable)
3- Ministry of Ecological Transition
Ecologie.gouv - carpooling
Ecologie-gouv - 10 simple gestures to improve the environment
Notre-environnement.gouv - greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture
FNH - how to reduce your impact on the environment