What is the link between environmental factors and chronic disease?
The term "chronic disease" refers to illnesses that develop over the long term and can lead to serious complications. One example is asthma. Today, chronic diseases are responsible for 74% of deaths worldwide.1. And the trend is upwards, not least because of the impact of our environment on health.
Environmental factors such as diet, lifestyle, climatic conditions, environmental pollution and mental health play a major role in the emergence, progression and aggravation of chronic diseases. For example, regular smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, a diet high in calories and saturated fats, air and water pollution, and the use of chemical products all considerably increase the risk of chronic diseases, particularly cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, cancers and diabetes.
This is why one of the solutions to limiting chronic disease is to change our overall consumption habits: stop over-consumption, rebalance our diet towards more plant-based foods...
For further information, we recommend that you consult :
1- World Health Organization
- Fédération Française de Cardiologie - The role of the environment in chronic diseases