Why are chemicals dangerous to our health?
Chemical compounds are omnipresent in our environment, disseminated in soil, water and air, as well as in foodstuffs. They are present in household products (oven cleaners, fabric softeners, descalers, bleach, detergents, home fragrances), cosmetics, weedkillers and fertilizers, paints and varnishes, as well as in clothing and the water we consume.
While not all chemical substances are toxic, some can have deleterious effects on health, and may be classified as carcinogens or suspected endocrine disruptors.
Health risks depend on a number of factors, including1 :
- the characteristics of the substance in question ;
- routes of entry into the body (respiratory, cutaneous, digestive or placental);
- mode of exposure (level, frequency, etc.);
- time and duration of exposure;
- the health status of the person concerned (existing pathologies, age, genetic susceptibility, etc.).
Exposure monitoring systems are set up by Santé Publique France at national level via the biomonitoring program.
For further information, we recommend that you consult :
1- Santé Publique France - Exposure to chemical substances
- INRS - Chemical risks
- Santé Publique France - Everyday chemical substances