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Answers to your questions health prevention Nutrition

Contents validated by the physicians of the Scientific College of the Ramsay Health Foundation

How is obesity currently managed?

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Treatment is based on an approach combining dietary measures (to reduce energy intake) and physical activity (to increase expenditure), as well as psychological support, a behavioral approach and medical follow-up. Weight-loss drugs are not recommended by the health authorities, as they are not considered to be very effective and may cause undesirable side-effects. Bariatric surgery is reserved for the most advanced cases of obesity. Don't hesitate to discuss your situation with your doctor, who will be able to advise you on the most appropriate treatment.

For further information, we recommend that you consult :

- The MangerBouger.fr website
- The Santé Publique France website, and its nutrition and physical activity section
- The ANSES website (Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l'alimentation, de l'environnement et du travail), and its section on food and human nutrition.
- The French Nutrition Society website
- The report of the PNNS, Programme Nationale de Nutrition et Santé (2018-2023), which defines all nutritional recommendations.


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