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Contents validated by the physicians of the Scientific College of the Ramsay Health Foundation

How do you explain a balanced diet to children?

Categories FAQ
Food rebalancing

The notion of a balanced diet is introduced at school, starting in primary school. At home, teach your child from an early age to eat well, to prefer certain foods and to eat others in small quantities. If your child "shuns" certain foods, offer him other foods from the same group (e.g. yoghurt if he doesn't like milk) to teach him to eat everything. Continue to offer the rejected food, at least once a month and in the same form. It's also important to set an example: show him that you eat the same thing he does, and that you like it.

To see the infographic in more detail, click here.

For further information, we recommend that you consult :

The MangerBouger.fr website
- The Santé Publique France website, and its nutrition and physical activity section
- The website of ANSES, the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety, and its food and human nutrition section.
- French Nutrition Society website
- The report of the PNNS, Programme Nationale de Nutrition et Santé (2018-2023), which defines all nutritional recommendations

eat well

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