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Answers to your questions health prevention STDS / STIS

Contents validated by the physicians of the Scientific College of the Ramsay Health Foundation

Is vaccination against HPV recommended?

Categories FAQ

There are different types of papillomavirus (HPV), classified according to their risk of causing cancer in humans. The aim of vaccination is to offer protection against the most dangerous HPVs, in addition to cervical screening for women. Vaccination is recommended for teenagers (girls and boys) aged 11 to 19, and is all the more effective if they have not been exposed to the risk of infection. For men who have homosexual relations, vaccination is recommended up to the age of 26. For more information, talk to your doctor.

For further information, we recommend that you consult :

- Santé Publique France's "Question Sexualité" website
- The Santé Publique France website, and its thematic dossier on all STDs / STIs
- The "Sexualités entre hommes et prévention" information site
- Regional COREVIH websites
- The French Ministry of Solidarity and Health website, and the article "Informer sur le VIH/Sida et les autres infections sexuellement transmissibles (IST)".
- The section dedicated to STDs / STIs on the Assurance Maladie "Ameli" website

And more specifically for AIDS, you can consult the Sida Info Service website.


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