Video games: what are the risks of addiction? What impact on mental health?
A study carried out by a team of psychologists at Brigham Young University (BYU, Utah) over 6 years (the longest study ever carried out on video games) published in 2020 shows that in reality 90% of gamers do not play in a way that is harmful or with a risk of negative consequences for their long-term mental health.
For the 10% considered "addicts", their practice has a very negative negatively their mental health: social isolationThey are socially isolated, sleep-deprived, depressed and anxious, disconnected from the real world and failing at school.
To see the infographic in more detail, click here.
For further information, we recommend that you consult :
- The government website for the fight against drugs and addictive behavior
- The Institut d'Education Médicale et de Prévention (IEMP) information campaign on the proper use of screens
- The "Ameli" health insurance website, and its article on the fight against screen addiction