What is a vitamin?
Vitamins are essential substances for the body. They help to build the body and to maintain its functions, such as skeletal development and growth, blood clotting and vision. With a few exceptions, the body is unable to synthesize them. That's why their intake through a balanced diet is essential for the body to function properly and for the prevention of certain diseases.
For further information, we recommend that you consult :
- The MangerBouger.fr website
- The Santé Publique France website, and its nutrition and physical activity section
- The ANSES website (Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l'alimentation, de l'environnement et du travail), and its section on food and human nutrition.
- The French Nutrition Society website
- The report of the PNNS, Programme Nationale de Nutrition et Santé (2018-2023), which defines all nutritional recommendations.