Corps en Révolte, winner of the P2C Tour 2024 in Lyon

Corps en Révolte wins award for its commitment to preventing eating disorders
Following the launch of its call for projects from associations working in the field of preventive health care in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, the Prevent2Care Tour made a stopover in Lyon to reward one of the region's 6 finalists.
Corps en Révolte has received an endowment of €10,000 which will enable it to develop its projects. The association specializes in the prevention and understanding of E.B.D. (Eating Disorders) among the general public and professionals. It offers free activities accessible to all for people suffering from E.B.D.s, "Dé-Pause Paroles" peer exchange groups, convivial and creative activities to boost self-esteem and reconnect with pleasure, and therapeutic workshops such as writing and psychomotricity.
The Prevent2Care Tour, supported by Ramsay Sante Foundation, Pfizer Innovation France and operated by INCO, rewards innovative initiatives promoting preventive healthcare in local areas.